How do I add a hero banner image to Locksmith's access messages

This guide provides an example of how to add a banner image above your access message content in your Shopify online store.

Note: While we can provide examples and guidance, we're unable to write custom code for individual store customisations. This example is meant as a starting point for your own implementation.

Locksmith's access messages can be modified using text, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Liquid code. We cover this and where to edit Locksmith's access messages in our customising messages guide, linked below:

Customizing messages

Adding a hero banner above your access content:

The following code can be added to your "Guest message content" field, above your existing message:

Hero banner CSS and HTML:

    .hero-image {
        /* Replace the URL here with the URL to your image */
        background-image: url("");
        /* Set a specific height */
        height: 300px;
        /* Position and center the image to scale nicely on all screens */
        background-position: center;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-size: cover;
        position: relative;
<div role="banner" class="hero-image">

The above code is based on an example from W3 School, here:

Customising this example:

  • To replace the example image with your own, replace the URL with the quotes for the background-image with the URL of your banner image

  • Adjusting the height of the hero banner by changing the height value (300px in this example) to suit your needs

Modify this code to display a collection-specific banner image (advanced):

This section describes how to modify a Shopify image URL so that Locksmith’s default access message content can be used to display collection-specific hero banners.

It’s possible to add some Liquid code if you would like to display a collection-specific banner image to multiple collections without needing to customise the above code for each image and then applying that to each collection lock.

To set this up:

  1. Image titles:

    You’ll need to title each banner image with the corresponding collection handle. For example, if your collection is located at, then the image title for this collection should be collection-a.

  2. Image file types:

    Make sure all your collection banner images are of the same file type. This can be any file type compatible with Shopify’s file requirements (or wherever you’ve stored your images), so long as they’re consistent.

  3. Image file paths:

    Images stored with Shopify will have a file path similar to the following example, where the image is titled collection-a:

    This path should remain the same for all your images, except for the image title.

  4. Modifying the image link:

    You can modify a link for one of your images by replacing the image title with the following Liquid:

    {{ collection.handle }}

    This will give you URL like this:{{ collection.handle }}.jpeg

  5. Updating the style code:

    The URL can then be added to the background-image style element’s URL.

  6. Editing the default message content:

    Locksmith’s default access messages are located in the Locksmith app’s Settings tab. By adding this modified hero banner image code to a message field in Locksmith’s settings—instead of a specific lock’s settings page—the code will apply to any lock that is using the default message.

(Optional) Limiting the scope of the hero banner code to collection and product pages:

The banner code can be wrapped in some Liquid so that it runs only on collection and product pages. Here’s an example of Liquid for this purpose:

{% if template == "collection" or "product" %}
  banner code goes here
{% endif %}

Uploading and storing images:

Shopify has some documentation on uploading and managing files here:

Customizing messagesCustomizing the passcode formCustomizing the email list signup form

Last updated