Usage agreement

The annotated edition!

There are a few things that are critical to understand when using an app like Locksmith. Our usage agreement, updated every so often, works to make sure these things are clearly communicated. Here, we elaborate on what's in the current agreement.

Locksmith lives in your Online Store theme.

If you need to remove Locksmith from your Shopify apps list, make sure to disable it first, to let Locksmith clean up its theme code.

Locksmith (like other protection apps) works by adding code to your Online Store theme. Shopify doesn't let apps clean out this code when the app is removed from your Shopify store. This means that it's imperative to disable or delete all of your locks – or use the in-app "Disable Locksmith" button – before deleting Locksmith from your apps list. If you do not, you risk unexpected behavior in your online store.

And if you forget, you can always temporarily reinstall the app and then disable it.

More on all of this here: Removing Locksmith

Locksmith does not work with other sales channels (e.g. Buy Button).

Visibility of products, collections, etc are individually controlled within each sales channel. The Online Store is itself a sales channel, and Locksmith works within the Online Store's published theme. This means that it absolutely cannot help with protecting, hiding, or restricting purchases on other channels.

The Online Store theme – the place where Locksmith operates – generally only handles content displayed with your store's header and footer. Because cart permalinks and the AJAX API don't pass through the Online Store theme, Locksmith can't enforce security in those areas. If this is a problem for your store, you may need to set up an app that auto-cancels fraudulent or otherwise undesired orders.

Locksmith may not work with some custom search or filtering apps.

Second (third?) verse, same as the first. Custom search and filtering apps tend to pull in data in a way that does not pass through the Online Store theme, thus preventing Locksmith from enforcing protection on the contents they retrieve. (If you're working on such an app, check out our storefront API for integration.)

Locksmith’s pricing is Pay What Feels Good.

We’ll auto-suggest a price based on your store’s Shopify plan.

The intent is to make Locksmith available to everyone, while paying ourselves the respect of asking for a fair price, while recognizing that we can't perfectly guess what value you'll get from the app. So, we start with a suggested price, based on how much you're paying for Shopify itself.

If that price doesn’t feel good to you, read, then get in touch. :)

That's about it! :)

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Last updated

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